Mice & Rats
Using “Morgan’s Repellent Mice & Rat: G, Resulted in 139 Mice Leaving an 1800 Square Foot Warehouse in 7-Days. Leaving No Dead Mice or Dead Mouse Smells, While People Continued To Work.
Our available product, Morgan’s Repellent Mice & Rat, is a patent pending product with multiple claims providing the highest quality ingredients that we have found to out perform competitors for a cost of less than $10 per 20′ x 20′ x 8′ area for 90 days or more when used as directed. Scents presently available include G: Garlic, PC: Peppermint-Cinnamon and SS: Sweet Scents.
Blue Green Algae Blooms
Using “STOP Blue Green Algae Bloom” In The Right Container You Can Observe Blue Green Algae Blooms Dropping From the Surface, While The Left Container, Untreated Is Full Suspended Toward The Top. The Treatment Occurred Within An Hour of Taking The Video. Samples Were Obtained From Kansas Lakes, During State Issued Warnings.
Our available product, STOP Blue Green Algae Bloom, is another patent pending formulation. It targets Blue Green Algae in the early stages with unseen effects to fish, birds or animals. The taste of STOP Blue Green Algae is often disliked by dogs and other terrestrial animals.
When Treating Both Containers With “STOP Blue Green Algae Bloom”, Both Demonstrates Fast Action Of Blue Green Algae Blooms Dropping From The Surface, Within An Hour Of Treating. Samples Were Obtained From Kansas Lakes, During State Issued Warnings.
Our available product, STOP Blue Green Algae Bloom, is another patent pending formulation. It targets Blue Green Algae in the early stages with unseen effects to fish, birds or animals. The taste of STOP Blue Green Algae is often disliked by dogs and other terrestrial animals.
In Order To See That Zebra Mussel Are Alive, Lightly Tap On The Zebra Mussels, They Will Respond By Shutting. Permits To Handle And Transport Zebra Mussels Was Obtained From The Kansas Department of Wildlife.
Using “ZebraCide” At The Rate Of 60 ug/L For 2-Hours, Flushing The Excess ZebraCide Off, We Can See That When The Zebra Mussels Are Touched Or Tap They Do Not Respond, Indicting Death Has Occurred. Permits To Handle And Transport Zebra Mussels Was Obtained From The Kansas Department of Wildlife.
Our available product, ZebraCide has two patents issued and patent pending in the process, the two patents are 2 of 50+ U.S. Patents issued towards the topic Zebra Mussels. An all natural ingredient formulation, it may also be beneficial to zooplankton and fish hatchlings to compensate for the deprived nutrient environment that that results from the Zebra Mussel invasive species.