Homes, Gas Stations, Cannabis Grow Rooms, Hardware Stores, Cannabis Grow Rooms, Cannabis Warehouses, Cannabis / Food Processing, Recreation Vehicle Stores, , Restaurant, Grocery, Apartments, Garages, Storage, Chicken Houses, Inside, Attics, Stored Boats, Weekend Cabins, RVs
Morgan’s Repellent Mice & Rats: G > prominent garlic scent

Morgan’s Repellent Mice & Rats: PC > prominent peppermint / cinnamon scent

Morgan’s Repellent Mice & Rats: SS: > more dispersed mixture of lighter aroma scents

Morgan’s Repellent Mice & Rats: is expanding manufacturing capabilities to 7,800 units per shift to support product demands. The product demand is contributed to incorporating patent pending scientific based facts that repelling actions designed not to promote dead rodents and insects is more sanitary than poisons and traps.
April 2023 additional Morgan’s Repellent Mice & Rats: Boats ‘n Cabins, is being added.
Date has pushed up from June 2024 to add Morgan’s’ Repellent Mice & Rats: Yard ‘n Garden
All Formulations & Processes Are Patented and/or Patent Pending
Greenhouses-Processing Areas-Food Processing-Warehouses-Homes-Vehicles-Garages-Kitchens-Restaurants-Boats-Empty Cabins-Occupied Cabins-Chicken Coop-Feed Storage-Rodent Burrows (rats)-ATVs-RVs-Storage Areas-Gas Stations-Convenience Stores
Morgan’s Repellent Mice & Rats: 3 Scented Formulations
Comparisons are made using product instructions and price found at a retail store.

Indoor & Outdoor Uses

Natural, Minimum Risk Pesticides Products, Contain Active (food) Ingredients. Easy To Use Pesticides: For Mice, Blue Green Algae Booms, and Zebra Mussels. Typically, Little Risk or No Risk to Humans or the Environment, When Meeting EPA, Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, Provision; 40 CFR 152.25(f).